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In order of chronogolicity - most recently started first
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El Goono (unfinished) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The Goonening

star trek ripoff

punch in the mouth boy1 2 3 4

aliens stealing our stuff. this actually happened.

product placement slave to coke

the flan of victory, a tribute to salvia

the butcher of hillbrook



the unfinished adventures of jethro 1 2 3
gooseman vs rove mcmannus(unfinished)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Geesefest - sooo much slaughter
1 2

co-operatives (all drawn on the same wild, wild night at peter and robin's place):

geesefeast (finished by peter)

the numerous adventures of jose (with peter, james and ween)

one day in mexico... (with peter, james and ween)

gooseman in space (with peter, james, ween and liam)


loan officer

gooseman goes on a date - unfinished 1 2

too many drugs!

the ultrasonic goo caper 1 2 3 4

mulletman and the shaved chimps 1 2 3

back in '76 - unfinished 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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